Bank transfers could be delayed four days under new fraud laws

In response to a Skynews article today: Bank transfers could be delayed 4 days under new fraud laws

I wanted to share an anecdote of something that happened to me recently while attempting to purchase Crypto via Coinbase

I recently attempted to purchase Crypto via my own high-street bank…
Of course my account was immediately blocked, flagged and whatnot. Then came a call with a fraud manager from said bank, who clearly thought – and was entirely convinced – that I had been the victim of fraud and that I was being coerced into buying Crypto at gunpoint by someone sitting next to me at that very moment whilst they threatened to burn my collection of stamps.
Or perhaps incredulously to her, that I was in fact a stupendous idiot who wanted to purchase Crypto, without even being coerced into it!
It was quite astounding and it took me a long time to convince her that it was indeed the latter! My account was unblocked and the trx went through.
This was late December last year and I’ve done alright so far, but I’m sure the Fraud Manager still isn’t convinced and would’ve preferred I’d left my assets in her capable, safe hands.

I’m sure that there are people out there who need guidance, protection and assistance, but this seems like taking 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.

Alex – Owner @AC Pays
